Are you ready to take control of your portfolio? Would you like to start investing some of your money in precious metals? Diversifying your portfolio with precious metals, such as gold and silver, is one of the services that Patriot Trading Group can help you with.
Do you really know whether Patriot Trading Group is the best company to meet your needs? Would you like to learn more about what they have to offer and the type of service you can expect? If so, you're in the right place. Our review below should help you find answers to all of your questions and make a decision about whether Patriot Trading Group is the company you'd like to give your business to.
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About Patriot Trading Group

Patriot Trading Group was founded in 1996 by Joe Jaquint and Eric Cedarstorm. The company was originally called All American Gold, but in 2009 with Jaquint bought out Cedarstorm, he rebranded the business and changed the name to Patriot Trading Group.
Patriot Trading Group started out with a local shop in Phoenix, Arizona. They have since expanded and now offer online ordering along with a new storefront location in Johnstown, Colorado.
The team at Patriot Trading Group does not work off of commissions, unlike many other precious metals investment companies. They want their customers to feel confident that the advice they are receiving is right for them, not the salesperson profiting from the sale.
If you are interested in purchasing precious metals from Patriot Trading Group, you can call and speak to a member of the team. They also offer an easy-to-use online ordering platform, where you can place your order online whenever you'd like.
Investing in Gold and Silver
Patriot Trading Group offers a mix of gold and silver bullion coins and older, collectible gold and silver coins. Below are the different options that you can choose from:


Patriot Trading Group's Metals Program

Interested in investing in gold and silver but worried about how you're going to get enough money to purchase these expensive precious metals? Or, perhaps, you'd like to continuously add new precious metals to your portfolio each month without having to think about it. Either way, the Metals Program offered by Patriot Trading Group may be right for you.
With the Metals Program you can set a monthly investment amount of your choice (starting at $100). Then, just leave your credit card on file with Patriot Trading Group, and each month you'll be charged the amount you selected. You can even choose which date of the month you'd like to be billed to make sure it fits within your budget and schedule for receiving paychecks and paying other bills.
Every quarter, Patriot Trading Group will use the funds you've invested to purchase physical precious metals for you and ship them to your door.
Members of the Metals Program will benefit from Patriot Trading Group's best pricing structure, which means you will save money on the overall cost of the precious metals you select.
With the Metals Program, you don't need to worry about paying any unnecessary fees. The company does not charge customers to set up their account or cancel it. There also aren't any hidden management or portfolio review fees.
Selling Precious Metals to Patriot Trading Group
Do you have gold or silver bullion or coins that you would like to sell? You may be able to liquidate your holdings by working with Patriot Trading Group.
Their website states that they offer fair purchase prices for bullion, and that they can share more case-specific details with customers over the phone. Contact a member of the team to learn more about selling your precious metals to Patriot Trading Group is right for you.
Patriot Radio News Hour
Want to learn more about finances, investing, and making the right decisions for your future? If so, you may be interested in checking out the Patriot Radio News Hour. This radio show is designed to be entertaining, while also helping individuals gain insight into precious metals and various other current event topics.
Free Consultation with Patriot Trading Group's CEO
One unique service offered to clients is the opportunity to schedule a free consultation with Joe Jaquint, the CEO of Patriot Trading Group. During your consultation, you can fill Joe in on your goals for investing and gain valuable information and from an expert in the field.
Pros & Cons of Patriot Trading Group
Final Thoughts
Now that you've read our review of Patriot Trading Group, do you think they are the right company for you? While they don't have the largest selection of gold and silver coins and bars, their Metals Program does offer an appealing way to build your portfolio with precious metals with a manageable monthly investment that matches your budget. Do you think you'll be exploring other precious metals investment companies, or are you ready to contact Patriot Trading Group today?
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