Journey Forward is an online health organization (and team) that concentrates on bringing people well researched information so that they can make the best choice for themselves when it comes to health and health care products.
Our Method
We only believe in bringing people data that is personally tested or highly researched by the Journey Forward team. The internet is constantly growing, and unfortunately with that comes an abundance of misinformation. Our goal is to overcome that.
Journey Forward aims to be one of the leading innovators and the “go to” when it comes to health related information on the web.
All content is for educational purposes only, and is not meant to replace the opinion of a medical professional. Our recommended way to approach healthcare is to read up on the symptoms and condition and then you can report this information to your doctor or your healthcare provider. Together, you will be able to come up with an official plan designed by a medical professional that suits your needs.
Journey Forward Authors:
Anne Langhorne – Founder
Anne is an ex-nurse who now works full time in the internet industry. Health is her passion, although she found that being a nurse just was not doing the trick when it came to paying the bills since she has 5 kids. So Anne decided to quit her nursing job back in 2011 and take her passion to the internet. She helped create Journey Forward in 2020 with her colleagues and now this is her full time job!
Daniel McKenzie – Co Founder
Daniel was a full time personal trainer until co-founding Journey Forward with Anne Langhorne in 2020. Daniel still does personal training for fun on the side, but his full time job is with Journey Forward and providing people with what he believe is the most accurate and reliable health information on the web!
Allyson Miller – Editor
Allyson Miller is an editor for Journey Forward who has over 20 years of experience in both the health and the writing fields.